Frequently Asked Questions about iPad Integration Programme

If you have had any concern, you'll likely find your questions here. To gain knowledge and confidence, we encourage you to talk with teachers or other parents who have participated in the program.

Q. I am concerned about my child's eyesight. How much time will they be using iPads per day?

Our teachers have been using the iPads between 10% - 20% of lessons per day. During that time, students are also instructed, they will interact with teachers, interact with peers, utilize physical tools, do partner work, group work, access information in textbooks, do physical activities, and combine iPad use with many other types of sensory experiences. The actual time of looking at (and directly operating) an iPad is only a fraction of that percentage.

Q. Will iPads be replacing all my child’s books? I’m concerned about handwriting.

iPads are not replacing textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, physical projects, or anything else. They may sometimes replace worksheets for certian topics, in certian subjects. Our students in iPad classrooms still practice writing on paper every day. Ideally, iPads are only utilized to do new activities which are not otherwise possible (or practical) without iPads.

Q. My generation did not use personal devices in class. I don't know what to expect.

Integrating devices into classrooms is simple and should not overbearing or distracting for students. Teachers use technology for specific reasons; to reenforce understanding and to individualize learning for their students, for isolated tasks.

Q. Is my child really ready for an integration of technology?

In most cases, this generation was raised to learn most effectivly with multimedia and technology. Our students (P2-P5) have all had some experience and preparation for this through contextual learning in ICT classes and projects utilizing the iPad Lab. Most often, it's easier for our children to adapt than it is for adults.

Q. Is the school ready for this kind of program?

We believe that SBS is prepared in terms of resources, internet access and teacher training to expand the iPad Program. Students are being trained to care for their iPads to assure the safety and security of the equipment. We have approached this technology integration in a methodical step-by-step manner and we believe we are ready for the next step.

Q. I don't understand why this is necessary, is this being done elsewhere?

Device integrations are becoming common around the world, as they grant students with practical skills and modern resources to succeed. For primary and secondary levels, most top international schools have started pilot programs and concluded research which justified their importance. Local examples include: Shrewsbury International School, Harrow International School, Ruam Rudee International School, KIS International School, Bangkok Pattana International School, MY International School, Berkeley International School, ISB International School, NIST International School, Charter International School, Wells International School, Stamford American International School, Thai Chinese International School.

Q. Are iPads really required by SBS?

Technically, the school will not deny your child enrollment if you do not allow them to have an iPad for class. However, iPads are required to do many unique activities in the classroom and for homework every day. If you choose to opt out; your child may feel left out, they will not be able to participate in many learning activities and must substitute alternative work on paper, or simply watch the rest of the students. If you have concerns, or aren’t convinced of the benefits for your child, please contact us. Allow us an opportunity to convince you. We want to provide a fair experience for your child, making sure that they have the best opportunities and resources possible.

Please do not hesitate to message Ilia Vialykh if you have any other questions or if you need support with your child's device.
